number one healthiest food. It is not surprising that salmon tops the list, since it is bountifully supplied with omega-3 fatty acids, not only a natural blood thinner but also slowing formation of artery-clogging plaques and slightly lowering blood pressure. We are advised additionally by the Monterey Bay Fish List that Pacific salmon are preferable to Atlantic salmon and that wild Alaskan salmon is best of all.. Many doctors advise eating salmon more than once a week. As with selecting any fish today, a word of caution is in order because of the level of pollution of our oceans. I personally consume salmon at least once a week, often more than once. If you live near a Whole Foods store, they sell smoked salmon and smoked salmon salad, delicious
ways to enjoy this healthful food.
Salmon is very versatile--good in chowder, salad with celery and canned pineapple (if you use fresh
pineapple it will turn your salmon to mush)., moose served with a dollop of sour cream with cucumber/dill sauce. I personally avoid using tomatoes with salmon, though some do enjoy it that way. My favorite method of cooking salmon is borrowed from Japanese cuisine. For a single serving marinate the salmon for half an hourin a mixture of two tablespoons of sake, two teaspoons of soy sauce, and one teaspoon of miring. Then in a non-stick frying pan poach the fish in the marinade on low/medium heat until it is cooked through and no longer pink inside. Serve it with rice or quinoa and a green vegetable.
In subsequent articles I will discuss some of the other eleven healthiest foods.